Prysmian Group Joins U.S. EPA SmartWay® Transport Partnership

Categories : Corporate 

Lexington, South Carolina   -   01/02/2018 - 12:00 AM

Prysmian Group, the world leader in the energy and telecom cable and systems industry, announced that it joined the SmartWay® Transport Partnership, an innovative collaboration between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that provides a framework to assess the environmental and energy efficiency of goods movement supply chains.

Prysmian Group will contribute to the Partnership’s savings of 215.4 million barrels of oil, $29.7 billion in fuel costs, and 103 million tons of air pollution (NOx, PM, and CO2), which helps protect the environment and keep Americans healthy. This is equivalent to eliminating annual energy use in over 6 million homes. Carbon dioxide is the most common greenhouse gas, and nitrogen oxide is an air pollutant that contributes to smog. By joining SmartWay Transport Partnership, Prysmian Group demonstrates its strong environmental leadership and corporate responsibility.

“Around the world, Prysmian Group is committed to protecting and conserving natural resources for our customers, our environment and our business,” said Hakan Ozmen, CEO of Prysmian Group North America. “This SmartWay partnership will help us set and improve supply chain sustainability as we continue to implement sustainable practices throughout our organization.”

Developed jointly in early 2003 by EPA and Charter Partners represented by industry stakeholders, environmental groups, American Trucking Associations, and Business for Social Responsibility, this innovative program was launched in 2004. Partners rely upon SmartWay tools and approaches to track and reduce emissions and fuel use from goods movement. The Partnership currently has over 3,000 Partners including shipper, logistics companies, truck, rail, barge, and multimodal carriers.

Last year, Prysmian Group North America announced a partnership with Transplace, a third-party logistics provider, to optimize transportation management and improve supply chain visibility for all transportation activities throughout the continent.  

“Optimizing our logistics programs are one way that Prysmian Group contributes to sustainability,” said Gianmichele Alivia, Vice President of Logistics for Prysmian Group North America. “Following the implementation of Transplace, we are proud to join the SmartWay® Transport Partnership and do our part to minimize the impact to our natural resources.”

For more information about Prysmian Group, visit

For information about the SmartWay Transport Partnership visit

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