Controls and Governance

Human Rights Due Diligence

Implementation and Reporting

Prysmian values its relationship with the stakeholders, their engagement and the continuous communication.

For this reason, Prysmian commits to reporting the most relevant data annually and the results of the monitoring process of human rights issues in the Group Sustainability Report.

In order to ensure the implementation of the Policy through all business operations:

  • training is provided to Prysmian's management and supervisors and any appropriate information is given to all employees, with the aim of raising awareness of the topic, presenting and explaining the principles supported by the Group and the tools and policies in place;
  • monitoring of adequate application of the principles outlined in this Policy, together with the principles expressed in the Code of Ethics and the Code of Business Conduct, will be included in human rights assessment processes.


In order to avoid any violation of the Human Rights Policy, Prysmian’s employees should be regarded as the 'eyes and ears' of the business, the 'first line of detection’.

For this reason, Prysmian provides access to an independent grievance mechanism to raise concerns or identify adverse human rights impacts.

The Whistleblowing Policy encourages and enables the employees to raise serious concerns on any violations of the Code of Ethics, other Group policies and their principles.

The whistleblowing mechanism is available to anyone who works for Prysmian Group or who conducts business on behalf of Prysmian Group or any of its Subsidiaries. Through Whistleblowing any involved party can:

  • report information about illegal actions or practices which are not compliant to the Group's policies;
  • raise concerns about any sort of misconduct within our Group.

Employees are encouraged to raise any concern about violations of business ethics as outlined in the Ethical Code; financial and accounting fraud, breach of the Internal Control System, harassment, intimidation or discriminatory behavior to employees or third parties or serious health and safety risks that could threat the health and safety of employees, the general public, our customers or the company's reputation. Prysmian, through the Whistleblowing Committee, will accurately evaluate reported matters, performing specific investigation and adopt coherent and appropriate measures.


Prysmian has a Compliance department monitoring the implementation and respect of the Code of Ethics and the other relevant policies.

The structure of the department includes the following roles:

  • Chief Compliance Officer: he/she reports to the Control and Risks Committee and the Chief Executive Officer of the Group. He/she is responsible for managing all compliance policies and procedures, including the Code of Ethics.
  • Local Compliance Officers: he/she is present in each company of the Group and has the responsibility of implementing all relevant policies.

The responsibilities of the Compliance department with respect to human rights include:

  • conducting, in conjunction with the other relevant functions involved, appropriate human rights assessment activities, within their respective areas of responsibility;
  • reporting on the implementation and results of assessment activities to the Control and Risk committee;
  • reporting annually for the Group's Sustainability Report on Prysmian's performance regarding the commitments detailed in this document.