Supply chain Fast Order Entry


Fast Order Entry

Our "Fast Order Entry" project has halved the time taken to enter and process orders, vastly improving our lead-time flexibility, timeliness and efficiency across our logistics operations.

But we’ve been working hard on several other improvement initiatives recently, particularly focussed on increasing awareness and attention to detail when it comes to sustainability. For example:

  • Our latest edition of the Prysmian Purchasing Professional Academy – the training programme dedicated to purchasing matters – included an important new chapter dedicated to examining the importance of sustainability considerations
  • The most significant environmental impact is generated by the production cycle used by our suppliers of base metals, from extraction to emissions and the consumption of energy at the refining stage, through to the production of rod. So, as part of the vendor management of base metal suppliers, we fully map all suppliers of rod at Group level. In addition, all suppliers will be classified with reference to their awareness of and dedication to the issue of sustainability. These results will be considered when we make purchasing decisions, giving preference where possible to suppliers with the highest sustainability ratings.
  • As part of our initiative to improve the efficiency of the materials supply chain, we’ve developed an algorithm and proprietary information system that optimises the allocation of requirements among our various suppliers. In a nutshell, this will essentially help to optimise our logistics flow, including any transportation of materials required, and the related impact on emissions.

Prysmian Code of Business Conduct

Our Code of Business Conduct aims to spread responsible commercial practices and ensure that ethical, economic, environmental and social standards are met throughout the entire supply chain.

Just some of the areas we focus on include:

  • Business integrity
    From fair trade and conflicts of interest to corruption and accountability.

  • Human and workers’ rights
    From under-age working, slavery and health and safety at work, to non-discrimination, freedom of association and collective bargaining.

  • The environment
    From raw materials, compliance, and energy consumption and emissions to use of water, production of waste and recycling.

In 2017, the Prysmian Group prepared and published the Conflict Minerals Policy document with the aim of guaranteeing its customers a "Conflict Minerals free" supply chain through the following activities:

  • Identification of purchased materials / semi-finished products containing 3TG (tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold from the Democratic Republic of Congo or neighbouring countries);

  • Request to all regular suppliers to disclose the origin of the minerals used in their production processes (using international formats and standards);

  • Analysis of information received and implementation of corrective actions.


Upholding its commitment to managing sustainability risks affecting its first-level suppliers, in 2019 Prysmian expects to continue the programme of supplier audits at the same level of intensity as in prior years. In addition, following the publication of its Sustainability Scorecard, Prysmian Group has committed to achieving all its stated goals by 2020.

The Group is strongly committed to seeking to maximise reuse of its drums and to reducing its environmental impact.

Examples include sourcing wood from replanted forests and implementing lagging solutions that require less use of precious materials, while continuing to make use of recyclable materials.

Over the years, this commitment has made it possible to improve the drum reuse rate.

In 2018, 55% of drums were reused, an increase of approximately 6% on the previous year.

Prysmian has launched “Drum Tracking”, a drum geolocalisation initiative capable of significantly increasing the quantity of drums reused. This solution was developed with leading suppliers of IoT-ready geotracking solutions.

Prysmian Code of Business Conduct

Prysmian uses plastic/plywood drums for smaller diameters, wood for diameters up to three metres and steel for transporting cables of larger diameters.

Small diameter drums are made from plastic and plywood, and wood is used up to 3 metres in diameter, while larger drums for cables are made from steel.

We’re heavily committed to maximising the re-utilisation of drums and lowering their environmental impact.
For example, by using wood from replanted forests and implementing lagging solutions that reduce the recourse made to quality materials, while continuing to use recyclable materials.
This commitment over the years has helped us to improve the re-use rate of drums.

In Brazil, we’ve launched a project that involves covering drums with plastic film, which increases their average life and facilitates their handling and storage at the shipping stage.

When it comes to transportation, we not only give preference to local suppliers, but are also committed to optimising the carriage of goods by air and sea, as well as selecting road hauliers that implement sustainable policies.