Sustainability Targets of the Group


Setting a Sustainability scorecard

To demonstrate successful Sustainability, we must measure and report on the progress of our strategy and initiatives. So, building on the foundation laid by the Sustainability Policy and our own sustainable goals, the Group has also drawn up a ‘scorecard’ that identifies 16 sustainability targets to be met by 2020. Each is measured by quantitative KPIs that will be closely monitored, so we can report regularly on progress – and identify where more focus is still required.

Prysmian’s Sustainability Scorecard

Each KPI will be monitored closely so progress can be reported on a regular basis in annual Sustainabilty Report.

[1]The percentage is calculated on the number of establishments that provided the information concerning the energy required in the production process per km of cable.

[2]The calculation of the baseline (2016) for low carbon revenues was made according to estimates and sales forecasts. The value of 2016 with actual revenues is therefore 38%. Furthermore, the calculation of the percentage is influenced by the change in the price of copper, which does not reflect the real trend of the volumes produced.


Scorecard Glossary